Hi, I’m Sam!

From an early age, food, nutrition and health have always come intuitively to me …

I first discovered these passions through cooking and experimenting in the kitchen as a little girl. Overtime, this love for food become a passion to use food as a way to HEAL people.

From my studies in Food Science and Nutrition, working as a cooking class teacher, developing food products and studying Integrative Nutrition - I realized how our society was missing the key element of food. Food is meant to nourish and heal us, and yet it is actually doing the complete opposite and leading people to many illnesses.

Although food is one KEY component to living a healthier life, it is not the only one. Practicing a holistic lifestyle requires you to look at all the aspects that influence your life. My yoga practice has been one of the most important pieces as it has made me more connected to my intuition and aware of the mind, body and spirit connection.

This is what has further lead me to understanding the importance of intuitive eating, and how this is the key to creating healthy choices that will last you for a lifetime.

Recently, I have discovered the importance of balanced hormones, as this is something I have struggled with ever since I went off of BC in 2020. I am now studying to be a certified hormone specialist so that I can guide females through a deeper understanding of how to find balance, confidence and knowledge in their hormones and how it effecting their lives through factors such as: weight gain, PCOS, depression, anxiety, lack of period and more.

What is a Yogini?

So glad you asked! The name yogini translates to a female master yoga teacher and spiritual guide.

For me, this is a symbol of the person that I will forever continue to grow and evolve into as I venture on this journey called life.

My goal is for everyone to find their inner yogini - whatever that may be for them. We are all individuals that have unique wants and needs.

What goals are you working to achieve? Who is the person you are ready to become?

Guess what - all of the answers are already within you. That is where I come in - to help guide you to those answers. Whether it is to develop healthy eating habits, build a sense of discipline, or become empowered in your body and mind — the list is endless!

My approach

I do not believe in a diet culture, in fact it has never been proven for diets to lead to lasting and sustainable weightloss. A one size fits all approach simply doesn’t work here. My approach, in all I do, is to recognize that we are all bio-individuals with our own unique needs, and I make sure to focus on each of my clients in a holistic and integrative way.

You may notice that some of my recipes do not have measurements provided for each ingredient. That is because most of the time I am not measuring and am just listening to my intuition. Cooking is a place to be creative and experiment - which is exactly what I hope to inspire in all of you! To me, there is no such thing as a “perfect” recipe. I find joy by letting the ingredients speak to me and creating something magical out of them! My recipes are shared to provide you as a guide and inspiration for what ultimately sounds best to you.

Health Coaching

In terms of health coaching, that means I begin by exploring your primary and secondary ‘foods’ and from there, develop your own individual health program together.

Primary foods being components of your life that nourish you beyond food (i.e: spirituality, finances, relationships, education, physical health).

Secondary foods being nourished from food and nutrition.

Private Chef

Food and cooking have always been intuitive to me. I treat my dishes with TLC, putting thought and attention into the ingredients and flavors right for you and your nutrient goals.

By drawing on my experiences in the kitchen - from working alongside my grandma to teaching in an industrial kitchen, I am able to create the perfect selection for you.

My recipe inspiration comes from the season of the year, some of my favorite chefs, and ultimately whatever sounds satisfying & yummy in the moment.